Return Policy

We are more than happy to accept returns received back to us within 7 days from the delivery date.

Return Shipment charges will be managed by the buyer.

Return Policy applies only to damaged / defective products or you received the wrong item but the policy does not apply to change of mind scenarios.

Once the item is received back in its original condition and packaging, we will issue your refund or compensate you with a new product whichever is favorable to the valued customer. Refund claims will be settled within 24 hours of receiving the return from the customer.

Any return sent from the customer found damaged or without original packing, will not be entertained. We expect the customer to pack the parcels properly.

Orders that have already shipped cannot be canceled because as soon as an order is confirmed, it is handed over to the courier service.

Please contact customer service at 03144389310 before sending back defective products for specific return shipping instructions.

Please call customer service at 03144389310 (10 am-6pm) or for any assistance

Return Address:

Elite Sirius: Shop # 74, Main Bazar near Grain Market Eastern Gate # 01, Haroonabad, Punjab Pakistan.

Mobile: +923144389310


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